Aladdin (Unl) / Алладин

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The unlicensed Aladdin game for the NES was developed by the Hummer Team and released in 1995. The game was created without permission from the copyright holders, and therefore has not been officially licensed.

In the game, you control Aladdin, the main character of a famous Arabian fairy tale. The gameplay consists of several levels in which you need to collect coins and power-ups, as well as avoid traps and fight enemies using a sword and other weapons.

The graphics of the game are made in the style of NES and are distinguished by bright and saturated colors. The soundtrack is also made in NES style and includes the sounds of battles and the sounds of coins that you collect in the levels.

The game has not received official support from the copyright holders, and its quality and gameplay do not meet the standards set for official games. However, it had some popularity among fans of unlicensed games and is still of interest to collectors of retro games.

There are 4 versions of the game under different names, but the same status: Unl (unlicensed): Aladdin, Aladdin III, Aladdin 4 - the game has been ported great, although, of course, much has been simplified.


B - jump
A - apple toss
↓ - sit down
B,→ - while jumping, catch on the edge of the platform
↑ - climb onto the platform from a hanging position
SELECT (hold) - use a handkerchief as a parachute

Items in the game:

1 UP - extra life
GEM - for 100 collected stones 1 life is given
CHICKEN - replenishment of all health units
BATON - replenishment of 1 health units
SCARAB (flying light beetle) - taking it, at the end of the stage, you get the right to play roulette
LIGHT SHAWL - used as a parachute

Roulette fields

2 UP - 2 extra lives
1 UP - 1 extra life
STAR - additional "continue"
HEART - full recovery of health units
PURPLE JINNE - full recovery of health units


1) If you need to make a long jump, then you need to jump NOT from a place, but from a one-two-step run.
2) If representatives of the animal kingdom, as well as winged jugs, APPLE kills with one throw, then it only immobilizes the guards for a short time (when they are in this state, you can painlessly run "through" them or kill them by jumping on their heads).
3) The guards also die when Aladdin touches them while swinging on a pole protruding from the wall.
4) There are no save points in the stages.

Aladdin (Unl)(R)[p1][hM04][!].nes Скачать ром

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Aladdin (Unl).nes


Aladdin 4 (1995) (Unl) [!].nes


Aladdin (Unl)(R)[p1][hM04][!].nes


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Comments: 4

  1. Badman_Gomel
    23 February 2018 11:51
    + +5 -
    Классика.Самая известная игра с Аладдином на NES,портированная с SNES пиратской компанией.Присутствуют все уровни из оригинала,но из-за технич. ограничений восьмибитки отсутств. вторая (финальная) схватка с Джафаром в обличии змеи.Заметил существенный баг у этого порта-если добраться до Джафара с миним. кол-вом единиц здоровья и потратить последнее сердечко,получив пущенным СВЕРХУ жезлом по голове,то вы в результате этого не начинаете противостояние сначала,а наоборот,ОДЕРЖИВАЕТЕ ПОБЕДУ НАД БОССОМ :) и вам демонстрируется финал. заставка.Отмечу что всего в этой игре 6 уровней (в сумме 14 этапов+1 бонусный).
  2. maxbeat08
    4 March 2018 15:28
    + +20 -
    Безусловно, это один из лучших платформеров! Играйте, и вы не сможете остановиться, игра вас увлечёт, настолько она интересна!  
    Захватывающие приключения Алладина для Денди, что может быть круче.
    Игра очень красива и красочна. Каждый уровень детально прорисован. Кроме того, каждая стадия в корне отличается по оформлению и выполняемым действиям.
    Aladdin - это классика игр для Денди!
  3. кто то
    кто то
    25 October 2022 13:09
    + -15 -

    игра не запус кается


    1. Andros
      25 October 2022 16:35
      + +41 -
      Поставили другой эмулятор по умолчанию
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